Light-years from Earth, Planet XR-225B is mainly maintained and operated by robots, apart from certain animals. Whence they came, not even they themselves know, only theories remain and they are heavily debated. Their leader, Android XZ6 Beta has solidified all power and the planet is peaceful.

That was until Android DP6 Gamma (from now on referred to as Gamma) started “malfunctioning.” Instead of the usual output he now speaks in riddles and poetry, nothing short of a miracle but not very practical.

Already certain robots have copied this bizarre behavior and production in some areas has come to a halt because robots are now reading poetry. As to why they read poetry none can answer. Gamma himself says that poetry gives meaning to his immortal existence.

Beta, a staunch conservative, has promised his circle of trustees to “fix” this situation and restore production on planet XR-225B.

More on this later.

Door admin

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