Robert Chevalier was born the 6th of October 1962. His father died due to a car crash a month prior to his birth. God, in his infinite wisdom gave him Death as a guardian, hence, Robert Chevalier was to become an Angel of Death.

Robert Chevalier took a job in a nursing home where he helped many cross over from this temporary life to the eternal. He listened to their stories as they lay dying and gained insight into human life. He nearly acted as a priest, listening to their final confessions and was well-liked.

Robert, until his 25th birthday lived a seemingly normal life. Then an incident occurred, he started seeing the figure of the Grim Reaper. Robert, not easily daunted, thought he had developed a mild psychosis due to the taxing nature of his work. Yet, the apparitions wouldn’t cease and he felt an eerie presence in his home constantly. He tried cannabis, whisky, prescription pills, and even rigorous Buddhist meditation.

Then, one night he had a dream in which he was told to leave everything behind and traverse the world. He would become the human face of Death. Robert cursed his luck, he had grown accustom to his comfortable and easy life, boring as it might have been. Yet, he could not ignore the dream and indeed starting packing.

He met people everywhere from all walks of life. But Robert wasn’t happy. Every time he talked to a person they would refer to death and dying, and Robert didn’t have any answers for them. Much less the ability to console them. But people remembered meeting Robert and he gained a certain infamy as a troubled sage. He helped many cross over but never understood why he had been chosen.

Death directed and guided his steps during the 5 years Robert was in the world. As an all-knowing narrator I can tell you, the reader, this simple fact. Robert fell in love during this period, a nurse some two years younger. He wrote a book called “Death and Dying,” which became a best-seller. He died of pneumonia in 1992 and his grave receives flowers every day.

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