He wasn’t like them but the sheep didnt mind. They could have chosen the fox as their leader, she was cunning but a fox has sharp teeth. Sheep don’t like teeth. Besides, the fox had her own agenda and would probably not give the sheep what they wanted.

They could have chosen the deer. The deer was very kind. Too kind, the sheep didn’t understand his philosophy.

Of course, the boar was not a sheep. But to become the leader the boar made concessions. He would give the sheep certain rights. The sheep liked it. Perhaps with enough imagination the boar was a sheep as well!

Now the thing with boars, they’re related to pigs. And even though pigs and sheep are both farm animals, the boar is not; he is wild.

The sheep murmured amongst each other. The fox would be a great leader but those teeth, yes, those teeth. The deer was kind yes, but didn’t speak their language. And because the deer was definitely not a farm animal they opted for the boar who promised to give them what they wanted.

The boar’s instincts were right and the sheep followed suit. Now the sheep had a leader and the boar could revel in luxury. The boar was strong and could grunt loudly! The sheep loved him and even defended him when the boar revealed that he was indeed a pig and would never be a sheep.

The boar made everything around him a pig stall. Some sheep objected but these voices were silenced, there was no alternative. Four years the boar grunted and for four years the sheep cheered.

Door admin

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